Table of Contents

Enum PeerEvent


Peer event type

public enum PeerEvent : sbyte


Connected = 0

Handshake with the game running on the other side of the network has been completed.

ConnectionInterrupted = 5

The network connection on the other end is not responding for DisconnectNotifyStart. The DisconnectTimeout field in the SynchronizingEventInfo struct of the ConnectionInterrupted object contains the current connection timeout which is the difference between DisconnectTimeout and DisconnectNotifyStart.

ConnectionResumed = 6

The network connection on the other end of the network not responding for DisconnectNotifyStart.

Disconnected = 4

The network connection on the other end of the network has closed.

SynchronizationFailure = 3

The synchronization with this peer has fail.

Synchronized = 2

The synchronization with this peer has finished.

Synchronizing = 1

Beginning the synchronization process with the client on the other end of the networking. The TotalSteps and CurrentStep fields in the SynchronizingEventInfo struct of the Synchronizing object indicate the progress.